Why You Need to Know Your Beauty Ingredients

Firstly, the skin is the body’s largest organ, acting as a protective barrier. What you apply to your skin can be absorbed into your bloodstream, affecting your internal health. Harmful ingredients may lead to allergic reactions, irritation, or more severe health issues. By caring about the ingredients, you prioritize your skin’s health and minimize potential …

The Impact of Hormones on Skin Health

Hormones play a vital role in various physiological processes within our bodies, and one area significantly influenced by hormonal fluctuations is our skin. From puberty to menopause and beyond, our hormone levels can have a significant impact on the health and appearance of our skin. In this article, we will explore how hormones affect the …

Devastating Effects of Stress on Your Appearance

Stress is a reaction to pressure. There are different kinds of stress we experience. We all have experience stress; environmental (sun exposure, air pollution, smoking), physical (feeling strained), emotional (emotional distress), traumatic (reaction to a traumatic event), chronic (daily ongoing stress), and acute (happens sudden stress for a short period of time). Stress influence on …

Effective Strategies for Reducing Skin Inflammation

What is inflamed skin? Inflammation occurs when your body is attacking something invading it, like a virus, toxins and bad bacteria, which is harmful to your body. Your body is trying to get rid of whatever is attacking it. An inflammatory response occurs within the body. Your immune system kicks in, sends in cells constructed …